Chrille wrote:Haha.. nä det går ju inte
nepp. så jag tycker du ska måla orange den me
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Chrille wrote:Hade varit perfekt Konny, men e de inte lite bökigt att skicka från Finland?
Chrille wrote:okej, men vad hade du för kudde på insugsidan?
Verkar ju som det måste vara en sjukt låg kudde alternativt, ingen alls.. wrote:It was very hard to get the engine mount arms to line up with the E28 M5 rubber engine mounts and when the engine was finally lowered down onto the mounts it sat at a skewed angle along the front to rear axis of the car. Comparison with other e36 engine mount arms used on an S50 converted E30 showed my nearside arm to be different despite supposedly being the correct arm.
I traced another nearside engine mount arm locally and collected it. Here you can see the difference between my original arm and the replacement. The correct arm has a 'ridge' cast around it's width about 1/3rd of the way down. Strangely both arms had the same BMW part number cast into them.