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Fueltech FTspark – 8

The FuelTech FTSPARK is an extremely high energy Capacitive Discharge Ignition (CDI) system designed to meet the highest spark requirements for racing. Developed for high horsepower combinations and tested proven on 5,000+ horsepower engines!

It is compatible with any ECU on the market! It’s able to generate a spark with up to 600mJ (mJ=mili Joules) of energy and is capable of firing the spark with 125 Amps of current in the coil primary. With these features, FTSPARK generates a spark with approximately 5 times more energy and 10 times more current compared to a SparkPRO ensuring a burn in any condition, especially in extremely rich air fuel ratios.

MPN: 5022007546 SKU: 5670

kr 32,117.50

SKU 5670 Category Brand:

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