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Posted: 19 Sep 2007, 20:29
by Fear This
HULTA wrote:siden mattsvart med blå eloxerade hjul
hehe coolt, väcker nog aningen för mkt uppmärksamhet för mej känns de som
Posted: 19 Sep 2007, 20:33
by Bäckis
Fear This wrote:Bäckis wrote:Mitt grenrör!!!
ditt gamla
fint som snor å passar perfa med en annan fläns och wg rör.. är det kromat eller? ser innuti att det är rf men på baksidan av flänsen ser man en skarv där den setat bultad i de yttersta bulthålen på varje sida? som tur (för mej) så bestämde sej niklas för att bygga ett som nytt som passade e36 karossen & hans bygge bättre
Det är rostfrittsom Robbz fixat elpolering på. Att det ser konstigt ut vid flänsen är för att han gjorde någon fixtur till badet som var bultad där.
Posted: 20 Sep 2007, 12:16
by xelerator
Fear This wrote:xelerator wrote:fan ser ju bra ut mannen
kör hårt så e du klar snart hehe
nyfiken på insuget!!
har du diskuterat med ingenjörerna på jobbet, läst böcker eller är det bara dina egna ideér om hur du ska bygga det..
hehe tackar tackar!
jodå här ska de hårdköras bara den här veckan ja tar ledigt från garaget på kvällarna iom jag är på ac-kurs i nyköping å kommer hem halvsent, sen ringde chefen idag å tyckte ja skulle gå fortsättningskursen mm så ja blir ac akrediterad, så jävla bra på nya jobbet
ang insuget så har jag läst en hel del och olika lösningar & även lyssnat lite lätt med ingengörerna på jobbet, tyvärr är de flesta ingengörerna på jobbet bara insatta i motorstyrning men men.. ang egna ideér så omfattar det bara hur ja ska få plats i bilen med det på bästa sätt
anyway e bara å ringa om du vill förbi på lite skitsnack å cola:) dock inte den här veckan.
ok ok... nä ja har oxo haft fullt upp denna vecka, därför ja inte hört av mig
men här av mig under nästa vecka så kan ja komma förbi..
då kan vi snacka lite om insuget oxo
Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 02:12
by Fear This
fick ett ryck mitt i allt å drog till garaget för att göra lite nytta innan jag skulle fira min första nyktra halloween sen ja va liten.. resultatet har ni bilder på nedan.. bultarna mm är bara provisoriska för att ja vill få flipen att funka pronto så ja kan gå vidare med allt, samma gäller "växellådsbalken" till den 6 petade lådan, den är provisorisk och ska göras en jigg på sen & bygga en hård å hållbar balk.. 3mm alu är nog inge vidare som balk;) men då ja gett mej fan på att lära mej tiga alu så fick de bli lite övning innan ja ska på kurs om det.. nåja här e bilderna iaf:
bilen bad om nåd..
så jag borrade lite i skiten..
å från insidan..
provisorisk växellådsbalk..
Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 14:43
wow what awesome work!! i love it!
what EMS are u running?? SM4? Haltech? Motec?
Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 16:18
by maleckis
Hello Fear This.
I’m curious what you have changed inside of the engine since you told me via PM that you were boosting 0.75bar on stock pistons which were shaven down? What’s the turbocharger? What are your boost and HP goals? Are you going to remain a Vanos? Have you done any upgrades in a cylinder head?
2 weeks ago I blew my stock head gasket in my M3 at 0.4bar. I think it happened because of its old age.
Best Regards,
Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 18:01
by Fear This
MR_SAZ wrote:wow what awesome work!! i love it!
what EMS are u running?? SM4? Haltech? Motec?
i use an std ems from s50b30 wich is motronic.. bigger injectors & bigger AFM house, i´m ran it on e85 last year and most important i have the ecu properly tuned for the mods i´ve done..
Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 18:28
by Fear This
maleckis wrote:Hello Fear This.
I’m curious what you have changed inside of the engine since you told me via PM that you were boosting 0.75bar on stock pistons which were shaven down? What’s the turbocharger? What are your boost and HP goals? Are you going to remain a Vanos? Have you done any upgrades in a cylinder head?
2 weeks ago I blew my stock head gasket in my M3 at 0.4bar. I think it happened because of its old age.
Best Regards,
the spec i ran last summer was stock internals with shaved down pistons, arp head bolts, no more mods internal! i used an garret gt40 with a/r 0,94 turbine (truck turbo) my horsepower goals for next year will be aruond 7-800hp i really havent decided yet.. all i know is that i want lots of power but still a good spooling turbo so it will be a compromise.. if a get more money(not likely) i will buy an aftermarket ems and then throw the vanos out the window:) if i don´t get more money i will still use the motronic and vanos.. so far i haven´t done any upgrades on the cylinder head..
well if you blew your stock gasket at 0,4bar and claim it´s old age this means you haven´t lowered the compression? either way.. 2 summers ago before i shaved the pistons and got arp bolts etc.. i ran 0,7 bar with untouched internals meaning 10,8:1 compression and all on unleaded 98 octane with reprogrammed ecu for bigger injectors & bigger AFM.. so i wonder if you really got your ems adjusted correctly?
Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 21:44
by maleckis
Fear This wrote:well if you blew your stock gasket at 0,4bar and claim it´s old age this means you haven´t lowered the compression? either way.. 2 summers ago before i shaved the pistons and got arp bolts etc.. i ran 0,7 bar with untouched internals meaning 10,8:1 compression and all on unleaded 98 octane with reprogrammed ecu for bigger injectors & bigger AFM.. so i wonder if you really got your ems adjusted correctly?
Yes, I boosted 0.4bar on completely stock engine and stock compression ratio. I have a chip from Artix and Raftko, who you may know I think. We put also Walbro GSS 340 fuel pump and bigger injectors. AFRs at WOT are 11.2 to 11.7. However, I had 2 over-boosts during adjusting a waste gate (10 psi at AFR equal to 12.5 which is too lean). That could be another reason of blown head gasket. The head gasket gave up finally at 0.4bar at WOT at 4th gear when everything was OK. It leaked at 3rd and 4th cylinder. The head gasket is rotten near water ducts in a cylinder head. I think people who had this M3 before me weren’t looking after her properly.
Today I got back my cylinder head from machine shop. It was port and polished as well valves too. They replaced valve seal rings, retainers and adjusted valves. It was also flow tested. The cylinder head is airtight and flat.
Fear This wrote:either way.. 2 summers ago before i shaved the pistons and got arp bolts etc.. i ran 0,7 bar with untouched internals meaning 10,8:1 compression and all on unleaded 98 octane with reprogrammed ecu for bigger injectors & bigger AFM
When you boosted 0.7bar on stock engine, what were the AFRs? How much did you retard timing? Were you using a water injection? How much time were you driving in that set-up without any breakdowns? Did you notice a lot of smoke going out from an oil separator’s hose? I don’t know if you vent her to the atmosphere as I did. Stock piston rings are not so strong and powerful I think.
What spark plugs did you use then and what did you use later? Were they stock BOSCH Y 5 DDC? I’m thinking about NGK PKR7A (from S50B32). Some say they are 1 degree colder than those from S50B30. I can’t confirm that because NGK marks their spark plugs out differently.
Did you have problems with changes made by lambda sensor while you were tuning your stock EMS? I’m asking we have AFR equal to ~14.5 until we cross ~3.5 RPM because of lambda sensor.
Thank you for your time very much! It is very pleasant and enjoyable for me to talk to you and guys from different country about S50B30. From what I know, my M3 is 2nd and latest turbocharged M3 in Poland so there isn’t a lot of people who have experience with that engine. If I have next questions I hope I can ask you.
I look forward to receiving a reply from you.
Best Regards,
Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 17:43
by Fear This
maleckis wrote:Yes, I boosted 0.4bar on completely stock engine and stock compression ratio. I have a chip from Artix and Raftko, who you may know I think. We put also Walbro GSS 340 fuel pump and bigger injectors. AFRs at WOT are 11.2 to 11.7. However, I had 2 over-boosts during adjusting a waste gate (10 psi at AFR equal to 12.5 which is too lean). That could be another reason of blown head gasket. The head gasket gave up finally at 0.4bar at WOT at 4th gear when everything was OK. It leaked at 3rd and 4th cylinder. The head gasket is rotten near water ducts in a cylinder head. I think people who had this M3 before me weren’t looking after her properly.
rafko is nice and very good to do business with and all but i still insist its completely wrong to use the AFM on the pressure side even if the EMS is adjusted after.. it´s made to handle vacum not pressure and therefore it should be placed before the compressor inlet.. just a little thing like if you put an open filter to close på AFM or if you don´t use "bars" like the ones that is infront and after the original AFM you could get very strange and different AFR depending on if you stand still on lets say 1000rpm & if you are rolling (neutral or clutch pushed down) at 1000rpm.. i can only imagine how the AFM would act if it´s put on the pressure side like your´s... the AFM is very sensitive so to speak & it the airflow easilie fuck things up if everythings not correct..
maleckis wrote:When you boosted 0.7bar on stock engine, what were the AFRs? How much did you retard timing? Were you using a water injection? How much time were you driving in that set-up without any breakdowns? Did you notice a lot of smoke going out from an oil separator’s hose? I don’t know if you vent her to the atmosphere as I did. Stock piston rings are not so strong and powerful I think.
What spark plugs did you use then and what did you use later? Were they stock BOSCH Y 5 DDC? I’m thinking about NGK PKR7A (from S50B32). Some say they are 1 degree colder than those from S50B30. I can’t confirm that because NGK marks their spark plugs out differently.
Did you have problems with changes made by lambda sensor while you were tuning your stock EMS? I’m asking we have AFR equal to ~14.5 until we cross ~3.5 RPM because of lambda sensor.
Thank you for your time very much! It is very pleasant and enjoyable for me to talk to you and guys from different country about S50B30. From what I know, my M3 is 2nd and latest turbocharged M3 in Poland so there isn’t a lot of people who have experience with that engine. If I have next questions I hope I can ask you.
I look forward to receiving a reply from you.
Best Regards,
at 0,7 with stock compression i didn´t use the car for a long time, i ran it n/a the whole summer and in the end of the season i tubocharged it so it was only running about a month with that setup.. i used an intercooler no water injection.. i did vent the crankhouse ventilation it in the atmosphere and it didn´s smoke, if it does somethings wrong.. have you checked the pistons for cracks and so on for example? if it detonates at that high compression it doesn´t take much abuse til they break.. i used standard sparkplugs with smaller spark gap, reduced it a bit to prevent missfire.. for your information i didn´t tune my std EMS myself, i left turbocenter in charge of the tuning of it since they have a lot of experience of tuning standard EMS so i relly couldn´t help you with the AFR & timing retardation but the std lambda sensors were unplugged during the tuning etc, don´t use em anymore..
in the end i really think you should lower your compression and then get the EMS properly tuned for your car. not some chip made for a different car with different parts on it. as i said with 10.8:1 compression it doesn´t take much to blow gaskets and get detonation etc.. and on the other hand i would never have ran it at 0,7 with that compression if it wasn´t my last resort so to speak.. i wanted it to run as hard as possible at the last race of the year.. if it hadn´t been for that i would be satisfied with 0,4-0,5
best regards johan
nu finns de plats!
Posted: 13 Nov 2007, 21:29
by Fear This
Posted: 13 Nov 2007, 22:46
by kopi
ser ju helt flippat ut
Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 10:17
by Bäckis
Fan, du är inte så dum du din lilla fyllstrut.
Smart att använda huvgångjärn till flippen!
Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 15:42
by Fear This
kopi wrote:ser ju helt flippat ut
hehe visst gör det;)
Bäckis wrote:Fan, du är inte så dum du din lilla fyllstrut.
Smart att använda huvgångjärn till flippen!
haha nej vi fylltaskar kan ibland
hade massa avancerade idér om hur de skulle gå till men sen insåg jag att ja inte behöver uppfinna hjulet igen och original = bra i mina ögon så vafaan
har haft fullt upp i veckan nu men försöker få tag i min vapendragare (niklas) å be han ta me delarna imorgon när han beger sej not en aning nordligare breddgrader;)
Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 15:50
by Tjottirotti
grym bil!
Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 16:39
by Bäckis
Fear This wrote:kopi wrote:ser ju helt flippat ut
hehe visst gör det;)
Bäckis wrote:Fan, du är inte så dum du din lilla fyllstrut.
Smart att använda huvgångjärn till flippen!
haha nej vi fylltaskar kan ibland
hade massa avancerade idér om hur de skulle gå till men sen insåg jag att ja inte behöver uppfinna hjulet igen och original = bra i mina ögon så vafaan
har haft fullt upp i veckan nu men försöker få tag i min vapendragare (niklas) å be han ta me delarna imorgon när han beger sej not en aning nordligare breddgrader;)
Låter bra det.
Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 17:16
by PaparaZZi
jag måste också komentera det med huven fyy faan va bra lösning på den