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Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 21:09
by e30turbo

Where did you buy that Garrett GT53 from please and how much was it??

GT53 = ??? Euro
Supplier= :?:

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 21:42
by skogsmulle
I bought a replace turbo for a volvo truck, on a sales market, from a guy who sold diffrent turbos gt40,42 45 and HX and sutch.
It was not expensiv only about 350/400€.

Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 14:37
by e30turbo
skogsmulle wrote:I bought a replace turbo for a volvo truck, on a sales market, from a guy who sold diffrent turbos gt40,42 45 and HX and sutch.
It was not expensiv only about 350/400€.

interesting. thanks for that. it seems a truck turbo is a much more economical way to buy!
Do you have any contact details for the guy? WOuld you mind ot PM me them?

Also. I really like your projekt idea. Very cool. But my E30 has much larger engine bay!!

How you going to add all piping and so on? are you actually building this car with this turbo?

Whats your ideas for the exhaust and intake manifolds?

thanks and nice work :wink:

Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 21:58
by skogsmulle
bmw_fredde wrote:Det här blir grymt! hur passar tråget?

här ä nåra bilder på det moddade tråget å pumpen


Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 03:40
by e30turbo
What are you going to do for oil flow round the engine if you changee the angle of it?
like oil pooling problems and so?
Have you a different oil pump? or stock S38 B38 one?

Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 11:06
by skogsmulle
It's a stock s38 oil pump that is modifyd.
And about the other question, have driven it for some time stock whitout turbo so it works fine.

Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 15:32
by e30turbo
What you doing for downpipe and exhaust manifold..are you going to remove some of the shock tower?
Nice work with the sump.. This project makes me envious!

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 20:19
by skogsmulle
Har konsulterat med polarn som ska bygga grenröret, (den lokale trimgurun här uppe i skogen). å vi kom fram till att det blir nog lite väl trångt på (rätt) sida, så vi började titta på andra alternativ :?: tex skuff men slutade snart ur oss ur de och gick vidare, insugsidan blev nog det troligaste alternativet :? städade upp där och kom fram till att den fick ju plats under huven till å med :)


Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 20:20
by skogsmulle
Men om man sätter den där blir man väl utmobbad :!:

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 20:36
by Ximon
Det kommer nog bli lite tajt med placeringen där.
Hur har du t.ex tänkt rördragningen från turbo till ic, från ic till plenum samt en downpipe på samma plats?
Det skulle vara grymt om du lyckas, men är det inte enklare att fundera på att "luta upp" motorn lite, och förhandla lite med innerskärmen på avgassidan? :)

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 20:50
by Nisse Järnet
Finns väl massa jänkare som kör så på E36?

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 21:16
by Fear This
skogsmulle wrote:Men om man sätter den där blir man väl utmobbad :!:

bara lite men ska försöka å va snäll :)

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 21:59
by kallevedlund
Finns det ingen plats kvar att luta upp motorn?
Coilovers o sen banta fjädertornet ordentligt...

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 22:03
brutalt fränt projekt.
lycka till.


Posted: 12 Jan 2007, 02:39
by e30turbo
sorry to keep interupting in english :? but this is a nice project and gives me good ideas for my own car.
have you decided to locate the turbo on the intake side of the vehicl?

because the engine bay of the e36 is not big enough for that giant turbo??!!

Posted: 12 Jan 2007, 17:55
by skogsmulle
yes im considering that option, i consulted whit a frend who is kind of a turbo tuning guru, and hi is going to help me with the plumbing, and yes its tight the engin bay is alredy lowerd 40mm. so i can't tilt it up more :(
my frend and i descust varius locations even the trunk came upp :lol:
so that location is probobly that im going whit, it even fits under the hood. but i will probobly get bullyd about de location :?
her is some pic of how tight it is....




Posted: 12 Jan 2007, 19:05
by Jorm
Med en raceturbo, typ en PT76:a.

Hur skulle den få plats där?